Foreign Language Test

Depending on your country of origin, you may need to provide evidence of your English proficiency to be able to study here.

It’s important to understand English well enough that you can comfortably cope with lectures, tutorials, assignments and examinations. That's why our courses require a certain level of English proficiency.

If English isn't your first language, you’ll need to provide proof of your English proficiency before you can enrol here.

You can do this by showing that you have completed a CMU-eTEGS (Chiang Mai University Electronic Test of English for Graduate Studies) at the Language Institute of Chiang Mai University – visit the Language Institute website  for more information, including how to package your degree with your language studies.

English language skills tests we accept include:

  • CU-TEP
  • KU-EPT
  • DynEd
  • CMU e-Grad

  • See scores of these tests >> TH EN